I assist you every step of the way

From designing your Visual Identity to developing your website and hosting it.

Visual Identity

Today’s world is pretty visual and you want to stand out with your project or event. I can help you giving visual form to your project or event.

Web Design

In today’s digital world, having a website is essential for showcasing your work or selling products and services. With your website, you have complete control over your content, allowing you to create a unique and authentic online presence.

Book Thesis

All the years spent on research, planning, internal dives, time for ideas to settle, finding models and connections, now you want nothing less than a “Piece of Art Thesis”.

I’m Evelyn Schiller

designer & artist

I help you give form, colour and texture to your ideas.



I’ve had the privilege of working on various projects with some fantastic people.
Check out some of my work.

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